Frequently Asked Questions
1) What is the aim of the General Diploma in Islamic Studies (GDIS)?
The program provides an introduction to the basic Islamic sciences and insight into the manhaj or way of the Prophet (pbuh) as embodied in the Qur'aan and authentic Sunnah in accordance with the understanding of the first generation. Some of the courses will be on topics of immediate and practical relevance to the students. The free course of study will also introduce students who wish to pursue an accredited BA or MA in Islamic Studies to the methodology of the BAIS program.
2) What is the medium of instruction at IOU?
All courses are taught in English with the exception of advanced Arabic classes.
3) When was the first time this program was launched?
It was launched in April 2007.
4) What are the pre-requisites of entering the Diploma courses?
For Diploma courses there is no prior educational qualification required.
5) How many courses are there in the General Diploma in Islamic Studies?
You can see the list of Diploma course here:
6) Will it help me in other programs like BAIS or MAIS?
Yes. Diploma courses introduce students who wish to pursue an accredited BA or MA in Islamic Studies to the methodology of the BAIS program
7) How many days does it take to complete one course?
It depends on the pace of the students. IOU has not set any time limit.
8)I want the syllabus of each course, where can I get it?
There is no syllabus file with a course. Course instructions can be found in the following link:
9) Is there any age limit for the course?
No, there is no age limit.
10) Where can I find my student Id?
It is on top right corner of the page
11) Where is IOU library located?
It is located on the main diploma page under the main menu tab
12) Does the Diploma Program carry any academic weight?
No, it is just a knowledge based program.
13) Do I need to complete the Diploma program before enrolling in BAIS?
No, you can enroll for the Degree program without doing any Diploma courses