
Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.)

This question is related to the  Campus Section of International Open University

Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) is a four-year degree program (8 semesters; 6 courses per semester) which may be completed in a minimum of 3 years (6 semesters if a student takes more than full course load; 9 courses per semester) and a maximum of 12 years (24 semesters). Students can take one to six courses per semester. However, the entire program has to be completed within a maximum of twelve years.

The minimum requirement to join this course is a high school diploma (12 years of school study).

Kindly view the curriculum here.

Online Admission Process

Admissions are open all year long. There are two semesters per year; the Fall semester begins from September, and the Spring semester starts from March. You may enroll immediately into your courses once your payment has been received by IOU.

a)    Kindly go to this link and create a free account.

b)   Next, proceed to pay the admission fee of USD 10 here, following which you can proceed to upload the following documents here

  1. High School Certificate
  2. Photo ID [passport, driver's license or any government ID]
  3. Photo
Please note that each file cannot exceed 2 MB and you must adhere to the format given or else, the upload will not be successful. 
Thereafter, you will receive a response from the Registrar's Office within 24-72 hours. 

c) Upon receiving the acceptance email with the easy-to-follow instructions, proceed to pay the fees. Additionally, they can be found here.

d) After you have paid your fees, proceed to enroll in the semester.

Please note: Once you pay your fees and enroll in your semester that will be your first semester and the starting point of your program.


Click here to select your country of residence and to see the applicable fees.

These are the only fees we charge per semester. Additionally, there is an E-Library available as a study aid for the students.

Here is the video for the visual learners:

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