Final Exams
This question is related to the Campus Section of International Open University
1. How will I open the final exam?
You may open the final exam by signing in to your IOU account and going to the respective course page where, at the bottom of the page, you will see the link for the final exam, in shaa Allah. Also note that you will be able to access the final exam only once the final exam period will commence, in shaa Allah.

Once you access the link, you will be asked to enter the password, which a proctor will need to enter for each student.
Students should also understand that they are not allowed under any circumstances to ask for and accept a password from a proctor, and doing so is regarded as a violation of the policy which would result in ZERO grades
2. Is there any particular order I need to follow when attempting the final exam?
No, there is no particular order that students need to follow when attempting the exams. The exams will remain open throughout the exam period and students may choose any exam from any enrolled subject according to their liking.
3. Will the exams remain open 24/7?
Yes, the exams will remain open 24/7. However, the students should contact the exam center and make arrangements regarding the timing of the exam according to the center’s availability.
4. Is it possible for me to take the final exam at home? I swear that I will not cheat.
IOU is an accredited university; therefore, in order to maintain it's standards, it follows the same examination procedures as that of any on-ground university. Hence, the students cannot attempt the final exams from their home under any circumstance.
5. What should I do if I lose internet connection or electricity in the middle of the final exam?
If the internet connection is lost while attempting the final exam, kindly request the proctor to complete the ‘Quiz Reset Application’ located here.
To read the guidelines on the Exam Live Help, please follow this link.
6. Can I attempt the post-midterm modules after the submission of the final exam?
No, the final exams should not be attempted without the completion of all the post-midterm modules.
7. I did not score very well in the final exam. Can I apply for reset and redo the exam?
No, you can not re-attempt the final exam in the current period. However, if you want, you may repeat the final exam of the respective course again in the next semester by applying for the grade transfer. Please read the details regarding the grade transfer here.
8. There are errors in the questions and answers of the final exam; hence, I am not able to answer them correctly. What should I do?
If you are certain of an error in the final exam, please report them in the MCQ Error Reporting portal. It is placed under the Error Reports block of the main IOU learning campus page.
9. I want to register with the center but they claim that they have not received any notification from the IOU about the exams. When will you notify them?
All centers are notified of the exam dates at the beginning of each semester, IOU will send the details along with the exam instructions and the passwords a few days before the commencement of the exam period. However, it is the student’s responsibility to inform and arrange exam dates and times with the center. Full information on this procedure can be found in the exam center registration portal.