General Questions
his question is related to the Campus Section of International Open University
Here are some general questions asked about the program.
1. What is my student ID? How can I find my student ID?
The student ID is displayed beside your name on the top right corner of the Campus learning area (after you successfully log in).
2. Why am I getting emails from the forum posts?
IOU helps to keep you updated with the activities taking place in the forums. If you don't prefer it then you can unsubscribe from the forums.
3. How and to whom should I report the errors?
If you face any error in the course study material(s), report it to the course teacher/ faculty of that course. Please wait for 2 days for the teacher to respond. In case of any error in the module test please report in MCQ Error Reporting portal available on the campus page under Error Report block.

In case of technical issues or any other query please write to the help desk at
4. Am I allowed to share my username and password?
No, you are not allowed to do so and the university will take strong action against the person found doing it. Your access to the learning area is an Amaanah (trust) with you. You should not give the login details to anyone else for any reason.
5. My operating system crashed suddenly, I have lost all my data (notes, textbooks, etc.) and I had no backup. Could you please help me on a priority basis?
This Service is currently unavailable
We are sorry to hear about your lost data. But we cannot assist the students in this regard. However, we advise all the students to keep their data back up to avoid these uncertain situations.
6. I am a revert and would like to use my Islamic name. Can I change the name I registered with?
We can make this change if you have legally changed your name, Insha Allah. Email the scanned copy of the official legal name change documents to the Helpdesk
7. What are the documents to be posted via airmail to the IOU Admissions Office, in order to complete my admission process for the accredited undergraduate or graduate program?
Required documents to be sent via airmail are the following two:
1. Attested photocopy of your High School Diploma or higher degree – as applicable, depending on whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student.
Note: Your high school diploma or higher degree must be notarized by an authorized local notary public and it must be clearly shown on the scanned copy sent to IOU.
Students are given time (until the completion of the degree) to submit the attested documents via airmail to the IOU Admissions Office. However, the attested (notarized) documents must be submitted in order to receive your accredited degree/diploma/certificate.
Also please carefully note that the notarized copy of your document that you will post to our Admissions Office must itself bear the notary stamps and signatures. Photocopy of your notarized document is not acceptable to be sent to us by post.
2. Photocopy of photo ID (e.g. passport). If you do not have a passport, you may submit any other official ID that has your photo on it (e.g., national Identity card, driving license, etc.)
Note: Please mention your IOU student ID on the back of your documents such as certificates or photo ID for easier tracking and recognition.
8. What are the documents to be sent to the IOU Head Office if I wish to register under the Advanced Diploma or Audit Courses stream?
There are no documents required to register for IOU Advanced Diploma or Audit Courses streams. You only need to upload a recent color passport size photograph and national ID/Passport.
9. What is the deadline for sending the documents?
Attested documents can be submitted any time before the completion of your degree. However, we recommend that you send them before entering the final semester of your studies
10. Where should I airmail my documents?
Please send your documents on the following address, once your admission has been confirmed on the conditional basis:
Islamic Online University
21 Kanifing Mosque Road,
P.O. Box 2340,
Kanifing South, KMC,
The Gambia.
+220-4379687 /
11. What if I forget my password? Can it be reset?
We advise students to keep their username and password save. But in case you forget the password please try this
link before writing to the
helpdesk and asking to reset your password.
12. I have some complaints/concerns regarding my tajweed course teacher, can I email/post them on the forum of the tajweed course?
It is strictly prohibited to post complaints/concerns about the teacher on the forum. Such complaints will not be entertained.
Please submit your complaints or concerns on a weekly basis as soon as possible via the “
Tajweed Complaint Report” portal.
The reported complaints/issues will be investigated by the tajweed coordinator, and the tajweed head of the department as required until the issue is resolved to your satisfaction.
13. Where can I find the link for the academic calendar?