
Exam Centers

This question is related to the  Campus Section of International Open University

An accredited degree, diploma, certificate programs, and IAP requires that you attempt the final exam of the program in an approved exam center. This article covers commonly asked questions related to exam centers.

1. Is an IOU approved center a requirement for the midterm exams?

No, midterm exams are like module tests and can be done anytime, anywhere during the specified period. An IOU approved center is only a requirement for the final exams.

2. There is no IOU approved exam center in my city, what should I do?

Click here to check out all the information required to suggest an exam center in your city. 

3. How can I register for an existing center or how can I send a request for setting up a new center?

Go to the  Exam Center Registration in the students' exam block on the dashboard and follow the instruction provided.

4. I am traveling out of the country on the date of the final exams, what should I do?

Dates of final exams are fixed. If you are traveling before the exam and can identify a suitable center in the place you intend to travel to, we have no issue with that. You must register yourself here.

5. Is it possible for me to register at two centers as I am traveling in the final exam period?

Yes, you can, but you need to inform and take permission from the center manager. Please fill the form here

6. Who or what is the proctor?

Proctor is a person who invigilates students during the exams and is appointed by the exam center itself. 

7. Where is the exam center registration portal?

The ‘Exam Center Portal’  is located at the main IOU campus page under Exam block on the dashboard of IOU campus. Alternatively, once logged in, it may be accessed through this direct link

8. When are the exams conducted?

For all-important deadlines including the final examination dates, please see the semester events' schedule of the current semester here,  which can be downloaded through the ‘Academics Block’ on the dashboard.

9. Does IOU send the passwords to the center and when? 

Yes, IOU sends the passwords to the exam center a few days before the commencement of the final exams.

 10. My proctor has not received the password. What can I do? 

Kindly ask the proctor to check the inbox as well as the spam folder of the registered email address of the center with IOU. If they still can't find the password email from IOU, have them contact

11. I failed to give the exam in the stipulated time as there were password issues with the proctor. What can I do? 

Students should contact the 24/7 Exam Help Desk in case their proctor is having password issues. However, as the exams period is over now, you may attempt the final exam in the late exam period. Please contact the Exam Help Desk at for further assistance before the late exam period.

12.  I have not registered in any exam center for my final exam and the deadline for registration has ended. What can I do?

 Please follow the steps below to get yourself registered for the Exams Center.
1. Contact an IOU approved Exam Center and make arrangements with them if they are willing to accommodate you. You can find IOU approved Exam Center list  here
2. Once the Center agrees to accommodate you, you may register from the exam center portal In sha Allah. Note that you will have to pay 10 USD late Center registration fine which can be paid along with the next semester's fee.
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