These questions are related to the Campus Section of International Open University
What is the due date for the assignments?
The due date for submitting the assignment is mentioned in the assignment submission page every semester. Please go to the respective Course Page and Click on 'Assignment' to check the deadline. Also, you can check the deadline in the 'Event Schedule' Available on the Dashboardpage.
I missed the late assignment submission deadline, can I submit the assignment now?
Students cannot submit their assignments if a late assignment submission deadline is expired as well.
My assignment is not graded yet. What can I do?
Due to a
I work as a volunteer for IOU, due to an increase in workload - I was not able to complete my assignments. Could you please consider my request to submit the assignments in the late assignment period without deduction?
Please apply for the exemption on the “Exemption Request” portal located on the dashboard page, and mention ‘IOU Volunteer’ in the “Comment” box.
- 1
- Go to your course.
- 2
- Click on the assignment.

I have uploaded my assignment but the plagiarism service scan report is not satisfactory, can I re-upload my assignment after improving it?
No, you cannot reupload the assignment. Students are advised to use third party free plagiarism websites to ensure that they are on track. Some of the websites that we can recommend for checking plagiarism are:
1. Grammarly -
2. EduBirdie -
3. PaperRater -
4. Copyleaks -
Note that all free plagiarism checkers have limitations, and usually require a purchase for detailed feedback, but the free versions of these should be good enough to let students know if they are on the right track.
Where can I find a detailed explanation of the plagiarism service scan reports?
Please click here to read the detailed documentation on the plagiarism service reports.